Achieving your goals can be tough, especially when you have not implemented a growth mindset.
There may be times you feel like you’re not making any progress, or it feels like everything is working against you. In these moments, the reality is that its easy to give up and accept defeat.
However, with the right mindset, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve anything you set your mind to!
This article will discuss how to develop a growth mindset and the many benefits that can come from it.
This post may contain affiliate links; please see our disclaimer for details.
What Is a Growth Mindset?
A growth mindset is a belief that your abilities and intelligence can be developed through hard work, dedication, and learning. This mindset is in contrast to a fixed mindset, which is the belief that your abilities and intelligence are set in stone and cannot be changed.
There are prodigies, but the truth is that the most successful people are not born that way.
They have just set their minds to achieve a goal and go for it with dedication and hard work.
A growth mindset does not only apply to academic intellect. A growth mindset is essential for all learning.
Whether learning a new skill, developing a talent, or becoming an expert in your field, having a growth mindset is key.
Someone with a growth mindset would approach their goals with the belief that they can learn and grow to achieve them. This would involve taking on challenges, trying new things, and seeking feedback to improve.
On the other hand, someone with a fixed mindset would likely avoid challenges and stick to what they know to not look “stupid” or “fail.” They would also be less likely to seek feedback, believing that their abilities cannot be changed.
Another difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset is how they view failure.
Someone with a growth mindset sees failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. They view it as a stepping stone on the path to success.
In contrast, someone with a fixed mindset sees failure as a reflection of their abilities and intelligence. They believe that if they fail because they are not smart or talented enough.
The truth is that everyone eventually fails at something. The difference is that with a growth mindset, they learn from their mistakes and continue moving forward.
A fixed mindset will likely lead to a fixed income, a limit on potential, and a lack of desire to improve.
Developing a growth mindset will likely translate into more success, increased potential, and a life-long love of learning.
Benefits of a Growth Mindset
There are many benefits to having a growth mindset. People with a growth mindset tend to achieve more than those with a fixed mindset.
They are able to do this because they are more likely to take on challenging tasks and persevere when faced with setbacks.
They are also more resilient and adaptable, which helps them thrive in ever-changing environments. Adaptability is important because the ability to change and grow is what allows us to reach our full potential.
Being rigid in beliefs that no longer benefit us or have been proven to be untrue is a recipe for failure.
People with growth mindsets are also more likely to be creative and innovative. They see problems as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than as roadblocks. This allows them to come up with creative solutions that others may not think of.
Even if you are not a visual artist, music creative writer, or another professional in the creative industries, becoming creative is still essential.
For example, let’s say a technician is faced with a challenge that goes beyond their training. A technician with a growth mindset will be more likely to find a way to solve the problem, while someone with a fixed mindset may give up or become frustrated.
So, if you want to achieve your goals, it is important to have a growth mindset. Embrace challenges, be adaptable, and be creative. These things will help you reach new levels of success!
The benefits of a growth mindset are limitless. Developing a growth mindset is the first step to learning anything you’d like. And with a growth mindset, you would be excited to learn from others.
A fixed mindset is detrimental because even with the best teachers, you wouldn’t learn anything new. You’d be set in your ways and resistant to change.
It’s time to develop a growth mindset and achieve your goals. Let’s explore how we can begin thinking with a growth mindset.
How to Develop a Growth Mindset
Many strategies can be used to develop a growth mindset. There are external things you can do to support a growth mindset. However, the development process is also an internal one. It is important to support a growth mindset in both ways.
Drop The Ego: To have a growth mindset, you need to be open to learning. That means dropping the ego and being willing to make mistakes.
One of the best things you can do is be teachable. Be humble enough to learn from others, even if they are less experienced than you.
Change Your Language: The language you use greatly impacts how you think. If you want to develop a growth mindset, start by changing the way you talk to yourself and others. For example, instead of saying “I’m not good at this,” try saying “I’m still learning.”
When you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, turn them into positive affirmations. You can even listen to an audio that softly speaks phrases that encourage a growth mindset.
A fixed mindset is usually created in the psyche decades ago. By unwinding that and reprogramming the brain, you enable yourself to think with a growth mindset.
Visualize Yourself Achieving Your Goals: One of the best ways to achieve your goals is to visualize yourself succeeding. When you see yourself achieving your goals, it becomes more likely that you will take the necessary steps to make it happen.
So, take some time to close your eyes and visualize yourself achieving your goals!
See the details of what you will be doing, where you will be, and how you will feel. The more realistic the visualization, the better.
As you visualize yourself achieving your goals, make sure to stay positive and keep your emotions in check.
Explore other perspectives: When you’re open to learning, you’re also more likely to see the value in others’ perspectives. Biases can often distort our view of the world and prevent us from seeing things objectively.
Do Not Fear Failure: Failure is a part of life. If you want to achieve your goals, you need to be okay with failing.
In fact, you should embrace it.
Each time you fail, you learn a little bit more about what it takes to succeed. So, don’t be afraid to fail. It’s part of the learning process.
Understand Your Insecurities: We all have insecurities. However, it is important to understand why you feel insecure. Once you understand your insecurities, you can begin to work on them.
As you work on your insecurities, you will become more confident and better equipped to achieve your goals.
Understand Your Purpose: What is your purpose? Why do you want to achieve your goals? When you understand your purpose, it becomes easier to stay motivated and focused. So, take some time to think about your purpose.
Take Baby Steps To Develop Confidence: When you’re working on your insecurities, it is important to take baby steps. If you try to do too much at once, you will become overwhelmed and discouraged.
So, start small and gradually work your way up. As you take baby steps, you will develop confidence and eventually achieve your goals.
Challenge Yourself: Take on tasks that are outside of your comfort zone. This will help you to grow and learn new things. Approach challenges with the belief that you can learn and grow to achieve
Make Learning Fun: Learning should be fun. If you’re not enjoying the process, you’re less likely to stick with it. So, find ways to make learning fun.
For example, you can gamify the process by turning it into a game. Or, you can find a fun and interesting way to learn the material.
Find A Mentor: A mentor can help you to learn and grow. They can provide guidance, support, and advice. So, if you want to achieve your goals, find a mentor who can help you.
Change Your Environment: If your room is filled with unproductive things, it’ll be hard to focus on your goals. Consider changing your environment to one that is more conducive to learning.
Instead of sitting in front of the TV, try going to a quiet place where you can focus on your studies.
Seek Out Feedback: Feedback is essential for growth. If you want to improve, seek out feedback from others. This feedback will help you to identify your weaknesses and areas that need improvement.
Be Patient: A growth mindset takes time to develop. Be patient with yourself as you learn and grow. Remember that there are no shortcuts to success. The journey is just as important as the destination.
All in All
Developing a growth mindset requires effort and time. However, it is worth it because a growth mindset can help you achieve your goals.
So, if you want to achieve your goals, use the tips above to get started! Let us know in the comments below how you have succeeded in developing a growth mindset!
A will is a legal document that allows you control over how your property and assets will be distributed after passing. You can use a will to:
Specify who will receive your property and assets.
Designate a guardian for your minor children.
Appoint someone to manage your estate.
Creating a will is one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself and your family. If you die without a will, state laws will determine the distribution of your property.
This could be scary because it may not be by your wishes.
Additionally, if you have minor children, the court will decide who will care for them if you do not designate a guardian in your will.
While it is important to have a will, it is also important to keep it up to date. You should review your will periodically and make changes as needed to ensure that it accurately reflects your current wishes.
You may also consider updating your will if you experience a major life event.
For example, if you are planning on marriage, having children, or buying a new home.
If you have questions about creating or updating a will, you should consult an experienced estate planning attorney.
An attorney can help you understand the laws in your state and ensure the proper execution of your will.
Contacting an attorney early on can also help you avoid potential problems. Creating a will may seem daunting, but it’s worth looking into.
It’s important to take the time to ensure that your wishes are carried out after your death.
By taking some simple steps, you can give yourself and your loved ones peace of mind.
Knowing that your affairs are in order will give you a sense of relief.
An attorney can help you understand the laws in your state and ensure that your will is properly executed.
Contacting an attorney early on in the process can also help you avoid potential problems.
What Is a Trust?
A trust is a legal arrangement in which one party, the trustee, holds property or assets for the benefit of another party, the beneficiary.
Trusts can be created during a person’s lifetime or after their death.
There are many different types of trusts, but they all have one common purpose. To provide financial security for the beneficiaries.
The terms of each trust are unique and can be customized to fit the grantor’s and beneficiaries’ needs.
Trusts can be used for many things, such as estate planning, asset protection, charitable giving, and tax planning.
The best type of trust for you depends on your specific goals and objectives.
If you’re considering creating trust, consulting with an experienced attorney is important. She/He can help you choose the right type of trust for your needs and draft the necessary documents.
Trusts are complex legal instruments, so it’s important to have professional guidance when creating one.
Key differences between wills and trusts
You should be aware of a few key differences between wills and trusts before making a decision.
For one, wills must go through probate court, while trusts do not. This can mean a longer wait for your beneficiaries to receive their inheritance and added costs.
Trusts also offer more flexibility regarding how and when your assets are distributed, whereas wills are more straightforward.
Another significant difference is that wills are public records, while trusts are not.
The benefits of public record are that it increases the transparency of the process and can deter potential challenges to the will.
The privacy afforded by trusts may appeal to some, but it also means more potential for abuse. Abuse can happen through trust because there is less oversight and accountability.
Lastly, trusts can be revocable or irrevocable, while wills are always revocable. This means that you can change your mind about trust, but not a will.
What does this all mean for you?
If you’re still not sure which route to take, consider speaking with an experienced estate planning attorney.
Doing so can help you weigh the pros and cons of each option and make the best decision for your unique circumstances.
In the meantime, here’s a more in-depth explanation of each option.
Will vs. Trust: Which Is Better?
There is no easy answer when choosing between a will and a trust.
The best way to make the decision is to sit down with an experienced estate planning attorney.
Doing this can help you understand the pros and cons of each option and choose the best option for your unique circumstances.
However, there are some general things to keep in mind when making your decision.
Just get a will: The main reason to get a will is that it’s simpler and less expensive than setting up a trust.
If you don’t have a lot of assets or a small estate, a will may be the way to go.
Another reason to choose a will is that it’s a public document.
This means that anyone can challenge it in court, but it also deters potential challenges because the challenger would have to go through the public process.
You should get a will because it provides peace of mind. Additionally, it can save your loved ones time, energy, and money.
A will is a clear legal instruction for where your assets should go when you die.
Having one helps you avoid the costly and time-consuming process of probate court.
Just get a trust: A trust can offer more protection for your assets than a will. A trust may be the way to go if you have a lot of assets or you’re worried about creditors, lawsuits, or estate taxes.
Creditors can take your assets after you pass on by going through probate court, but they can’t touch assets that are in a trust. Taxes are also less of an issue with trusts. This is because the assets in a trust are not subject to estate taxes when you die.
Another reason to choose a trust is that it’s private. This means that your beneficiaries can receive their inheritance without going through probate court, which can be a long and expensive.
You don’t want to be in a position where your family has to go through probate court, so a trust may be the best way to protect your loved ones.
Get both a will and a living trust: If you want the best of both worlds, you can get both a will and a trust. This way, you can have the simplicity of a will for your small estate and the protection of a trust for your large estate.
For example, you can use a will to leave your house and other assets to your family, and a trust to protect your money from creditors, lawsuits, and estate taxes. This can help ensure that your wealth goes to the people you love rather than being taken by the government or creditors.
You can also use a will to name a guardian for your minor children and a trustee for your trust, which can provide peace of mind for you and your family.
If you’re unsure which option is right, an experienced estate planning attorney can help you make the best decision for your unique circumstances.
No matter what you choose, the most important thing is that you make a decision and put something in place.
Remember that you can benefit from both if you don’t have a will or a trust.
The key takeaway is that you should consider how to create generational wealth. Begin by taking action to ensure your legacy continues!
Will vs. Trust – Conclusion
When it comes to estate planning, there are a lot of options to consider. One of the most important decisions you’ll have to make is whether to create a will or a trust.
Both options have their own set of pros and cons.
Remember it’s important to understand the difference between the two before deciding.
Having both can be the most effective strategy. However, it is still best to speak with a tax professional and lawyer to understand the benefits of having both.
Thinking about passing on may be difficult, but it’s important to have a for your loved ones.
It can give you a lot of peace! You will feel less anxious when the process is complete and comfortable with the future.
We hope the information in this article provides valuable insights to every reader but we, the Biesingers, are not financial advisors. When making your personal finance decisions, research multiple sources and/or receive advice from a licensed professional. As always, we wish you the best in your pursuit of financial independence!
Losing weight is a challenge for many people, and it certainly was for me.
Like most Americans, you’ve probably tried more than one diet or weight-loss program without much success.
That all changed for me when I learned about HealthyWage which helped me lose 70 pounds!
Simply put, HealthyWage is a website that pays you to lose weight. Yes, you read that correctly, and it is legit too.
You can earn up to $10,000 by losing weight and hitting your fitness goals. So, how does it work? In this article, I’ll share everything you need to know with my own review.
This post may contain affiliate links; please see our disclaimer for details.
HealthyWage is a website that allows you to earn money by losing weight. It is a company that helps people lose weight and get in shape.
People can join teams or go it alone, and if they reach their goals they can earn money. They are a for-profit business entity. This means that they make money when their clients do well.
They have blended gambling with fitness to create a fun and motivating program.
HealthyWage gamifies the weight loss process to help people stick with it and see results.
How Does HealthyWage Work?
HealthyWage works by allowing you to bet on yourself to lose weight.
You can choose how much money you want to wager and how long you have to lose weight.
If you meet your goal, you get to keep the money!
There are three steps to getting started with HealthyWage:
First, you create an account and set up your profile.
Then, you set your goals and make your bet.
Finally, you start working towards your weight-loss goals.
If you reach your goal, you get to keep the money! If you don’t, you lose your bet. HealthyWage is profitable because they take a cut of the money of the people who lose their bets.
Celebrity fitness expert Jillian Michaels also supports them. Through PR and influencer marketing, HealthyWage has been able to get its name out there and attract attention.
There isn’t a shortage of potential customers, as two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese.
I personally did two individual HealthyWage challenges back to back and went from 270 pounds to 200 pounds! See the screenshots below where I won a total of $3426!
If you sign up with my unique link, you can have an additional $40 automatically added to your prize! Check it out HERE!
While HealthyWage is a great way to make some extra money and motivate yourself to lose weight, it’s important to weigh out any potential pros and cons for yourself. Keep reading to see many of the potential pros and cons laid out for you.
Pros / Benefits of HealthyWage
The benefits of HealthyWage are more than listed here today. Here are a few benefits of this unique weight loss website –
You can earn up to $10,000: This is a lot of money and a great motivator to help you lose weight. With $10,000, you can pay off debts, show off your new body on vacation, invest in assets, or save for retirement.
You can bet on yourself: This unique feature of HealthyWage allows you to put your money where your mouth is. If you think you can lose weight, then bet on it!
It’s a fun and unique way to make money: You don’t have to suffer your way to financial gains and weight loss. By betting on yourself, you can make the process fun and unique.
You can turn your weight loss journey into a business venture: By investing in yourself, you may have to pay for expenses such as a personal trainer, gym membership, or healthy food.
You could make a healthy return on your health and wealth if your venture is successful.
Cons / Benefits of HealthyWage
HealthyWage might not be for everyone. Each person’s psyches, metabolism, and lifestyle are different.
Here are a few potential drawbacks of HealthyWage that you should consider before signing up.
There is a risk you won’t reach your goal and will owe HealthyWage money: If you don’t hit your weight loss target, you will have to pay HealthyWage the money you’ve bet.
You might have to pay taxes on your winnings: If you make over a certain amount of money from HealthyWage, you might have to pay taxes on your earnings.
Become obsessed with the scale: If you’re not careful, you could become fixated on the number on the scale. This could lead to unhealthy mental behavior such as anger, anorexia, or bulimia.
You could potentially gain weight if you’re not careful: The stress of potentially losing money could prevent weight loss or even contribute to it.
You could develop unhealthy weight practices: You may begin dehydrating yourself or over-exercising to lose weight quickly and win your bet.
So, you should consider the pros and cons of HealthyWage before signing up. If you think HealthyWage is right for you, then go for it!
You could make a lot of money and get in the best shape of your life, but weighing out any potential pros and cons for yourself is important.
So weigh the pros and cons carefully before making your decision. For me, it was an amazing decision that changed my life!
Is HealthyWage Legit?
Yes, HealthyWage is a legitimate website that allows you to bet on your weight loss.
They are a real company with a physical address and contact information and have been featured in many major news outlets.
Many happy customers have lost weight and made money with HealthyWage. You can see the success stories on their website!
If you’re looking for a fun and unique way to make some extra money and develop habits to help you lose weight, then HealthyWage may be a great option.
It can be a difficult challenge, but you could make a profit by becoming a HealthyWage success story and inspiring others.
The weight loss and the prize money are also both great motivators, but you should also be aware of the potential risks before signing up.
The content on this blog includes our personal experiences and opinions in regard to pursuing a healthier lifestyle. We hope the information provides valuable insights to every reader but we are not health advisors. When making your health choices, we recommend researching multiple sources and/or receiving advice from a doctor or licensed health professional.
Generally speaking, there are two main types of FIRE: Fat FIRE, and Lean Fire.
Fat FIRE is focused on saving enough money so that you can retire early and still maintain your current lifestyle.
This requires a higher savings rate than lean FIRE, but it allows you to enjoy your life while still working towards your financial goals.
Strategies for achieving Fat FIRE:
Strive For Higher Income – One strategy is to work towards a high salary. This means finding a career that you’re passionate about and making the most of your earning potential.
You can also look for ways to make extra income so that you can boost your investing rate.
Diverse Income Sources – Another strategy is to focus on building up your passive income streams.
Some ways you could do this is by investing in rental properties, dividend stocks, or peer-to-peer lending.
The more sources of income you have, the easier it will be to reach your financial goals.
Invest Your Money Wisely – Once you have saved up enough money, you will need to invest it wisely in order to achieve your financial goals.
This can be done by diversifying your investments and making sure that you are invested in a variety of different asset classes.
Create Multiple Streams of Income – Another way to achieve Fat FIRE is by creating multiple streams of income. You could invest in real estate or start a side business. By having multiple sources of income, you will be able to reach your financial goals sooner.
A great way to start investing in real estate without a lot of money is with Fundrise, a crowdsourcing real estate investing platform.
With investment minimums of ONLY $10, you can start making PASSIVE INCOME with your real estate investment portfolio!
This type of FIRE is helpful for people that want to retire early but don’t want to make major lifestyle changes. It can take longer to achieve Fat FIRE, but it may be more sustainable in the long term.
Lean Fire is focused on saving enough money so that you can retire early and live a frugal lifestyle. This type of FIRE is similar to Fat FIRE, but it does require you to make a few more sacrifices.
Strategies for achieving lean FIRE:
Save as much money as possible – You will need to save a large percentage of your income in order to achieve Fat FIRE. This can be done by living a frugal lifestyle and making sacrifices in order to increase your savings rate.
Live Below Your Means – One of the most important things to do when trying to achieve lean fire is to live below your means. This means being mindful of your spending and only buying what you need. It also means being willing to make sacrifices in order to save more money.
Reduce Expenses – Another way to achieve lean fire is by reducing your expenses. This can be done by cutting back on unnecessary luxuries and finding ways to save money on your essential expenses.
There are a number of different strategies that you can use to achieve lean fire. The most important thing is to find what works for you and stick with it. If you’re disciplined and patient, you can achieve your goal of retiring early.
Lean Fire is a good option for people that want to retire early and do not need luxury experiences or high-ticket products.
It can take less time to achieve Lean Fire, but it can also be less sustainable in the long term.
How to use the FIRE method to retire early?
If you want to achieve FIRE, there are a few things you need to do:
First, you need to figure out how much money you need to retire.
The amount needed will be different for everyone depending on their lifestyle and retirement goals.
Once you have this number, you need to start saving and investing!
The earlier you start, the easier it will be to reach your goal.
One of the best ways to save money is to invest in yourself.
You can invest your time to learn about personal finance and investing. The more you know about these topics, the better equipped you’ll be to make smart decisions with your money.
As mentioned earlier, another way to reach your FIRE goals is to live below your means.
Often jealousy or insecurities prevent people from doing this, but it’s one of the smartest things you can do for your finances.
When you live below your means, you have more money to save and invest.
When you have these metrics figured out, it’s time to increase your income.
You can also invest in assets that produce passive cash flow.
To improve your income, try learning about negotiating if you are employed and sales skills if you are self-employed.
By improving your earned income, you can save more money each month to reach your FIRE goals.
Some passive income-producing assets are real estate, index funds, and dividends stocks. You can also create cash flow by starting a business, starting a blog or writing an e-book.
Once your passive income is above your expenses, you can officially state that you have achieved FIRE. This is because you’re free to spend your time as you’d like.
Your assets pay for your liabilities and you will no longer have to work for money.
However, just because you don’t have to work for money, doesn’t mean you can’t still earn some.
For example, if you enjoy writing, you can work as much as you’d like as a freelancer.
You will still be generating an income, but you’ll be doing it on your own time.
Of course, you could also just spend your time relaxing and enjoying your newfound freedom.
Having delayed gratification is also important when attempting to achieve FIRE.
You need to be ready to sacrifice current consumption for the chance to retire early.
You need to have a plan and be patient in order to achieve your FIRE goals. If you continue to spend on the latest sales and new releases, you will be stuck in a cycle of working to pay for your expenses.
Instead, try investing in assets and reinvesting the cash flow from those assets. This can really begin to snowball and help you reach FIRE much sooner than if you just continued working and spending as usual.
Limiting liabilities can also help you achieve FIRE. A liability is something that costs you money each month, such as a car payment or credit card debt.
If you can pay off your liabilities and live without them, you’ll be one step closer to Financial Independence and retiring early.
Another way to achieve FIRE is by finding creative ways to save money. This could include things like couponing, living in a van or RV, or house hacking.
By finding creative ways to save money, you’ll have more money to invest and reach your FIRE goals faster.
The last thing you need to do is have patience and discipline. Retiring early doesn’t happen overnight.
It takes time, effort, and sacrifice. But if you’re willing to put in the work, FIRE is attainable.
By developing systems and having a long-time horizon, you can achieve your goal of retiring early and enjoy a life of financial freedom.
If you’re willing to make some sacrifices and put in the work, you can achieve FIRE.
It might take some time, but it will be worth it when you reach your goal and can enjoy a life of financial freedom.
The Bottom Line
So there you have it!
These are just a few tips on how to retire early using the FIRE method.
By exercising patience, discipline, and being willing to make sacrifices, you can achieve your goal of financial independence!
Start planning and saving today so that you can enjoy a stress-free
When pursuing FIRE, remember the different types and see which one works best for you.
Lean FIRE can be quicker to achieve but does not leave you much room for luxury expenses. If you are minimalistic, this can be a great option for you.
If you want to have a little more wiggle room in your budget, try Fat FIRE. This will take longer to achieve but will give you more breathing room in your budget.
Whatever route you decide to take, remember that FIRE is attainable for anyone willing to put in the work.
The bottom line is that FIRE is a great way to achieve financial independence and retire early.
So what are you waiting for?
Start planning your FIRE today!
We hope the information in this article provides valuable insights to every reader but we, the Biesingers, are not financial advisors. When making your personal finance decisions, research multiple sources and/or receive advice from a licensed professional. As always, we wish you the best in your pursuit of financial independence!
Making meaningful changes and habits can seem like a daunting task. But the lessons taught in the book Atomic Habits by James Clear can really help.
This book completely rocked my world and changed the way I think about habits, change, and myself.
In this blog post, we will explore 5 of the most important lessons from Atomic Habits that have made a big impact on my life.
Book Summary (Atomic Habits – James Clear)
The book is all about developing good habits and breaking bad ones.
James talks about how our brain works about habit-forming and provides strategies for creating lasting change.
He shows how routines can be formed, how to make them stick, and how they can improve our lives.
The author also explains how we can change our lives by changing our habits through formulas.
Keep reading as we explore some of these formulas!
Here are the five most important lessons that I’ve learned from Atomic Habits:
Lesson #1 – Small Habits Lead To Big Changes
The first lesson I learned from the book is that habits are the building blocks of our lives.
Our entire lives are made up of our habits.
Every action we take, every decision we make, and everything we do is a result of our habits.
If you want to change your life, you have to change your habits.
You have to start small and focus on changing one habit at a time. The book talks about how important it is to make your goals specific and measurable so you can track your progress.
I’ve always been a goal-oriented person, but this book really opened my eyes to the importance of creating systems.
These systems have supported my discipline because now my focus isn’t on the end goal only, but rather on the daily habits that will get me there.
Lesson #2 – Identifying with Habits and Habitual Identity
He breaks down why habits are so difficult to break.
The author explains that this is the case because we are focusing on the wrong habits. The second reason is that we are trying to break them in the wrong way.
By identifying with our habits, we are more likely to change them.
The book talks about how we need to focus on our identity and not our habits when trying to make a change.
It’s not about quitting smoking, it’s about becoming a non-smoker. It’s not about going to the gym, it’s about becoming someone who values their health and fitness.
When we focus on our identity, the change becomes permanent because it is part of who we are. This was a big shift in my thinking and it’s something that I’ve been working on for the past few months.
I am now focusing on who I want to be and the habits that align with that identity.
Let’s say you want to be a writer so focus on writing every day. If you want want to be someone who values their health and fitness, focus on working out and eating healthy.
Don’t do these things because that’s what you want to showcase externally, but rather to support who you are internal.
This has been a game-changer for me because it’s helped me to stay focused on my goals and it’s made the changes I’ve made permanent.
It has reminded me of who I am, and that I should remember my new identity when creating new habits.
Lesson #3 – Simplify Habitual Creation
Information overload is a real thing and it’s something that we all struggle with.
When it comes to developing new habits, we often try to do too many things at once.
The book talks about how we need to simplify our lives and focus on one habit at a time.
The author explains that the best way to simplify is by focusing on applying these 4 influences when changing your habits.
Obvious: Make your cues obvious. If you want to develop the habit of waking up early, put your alarm clock on the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off.
Attractive: Make your cues attractive. If you want to develop the habit of eating healthy, fill your fridge with healthy food so you’re more likely to eat it.
Easy: Make your tasks easy. If you want to develop the habit of working out, start by doing something simple like going for a walk.
Rewarding: Make sure you reward yourself for completing your task. If you want to develop the habit of reading, buy yourself a new book after you finish one.
By simplifying something difficult and supporting the process with these four points, you are more likely to be successful.
Lesson #4 – Motivation Often Fails; Optimize Your Environment Instead
The book talks about how motivation is often overrated and that it’s something that we often rely on too much.
The author explains that our environment has a bigger impact on our habits than our motivation does.
If you want to change your habits, you have to change your environment.
You have to make it easy for yourself to do the things you want to do and difficult for yourself to do the things you don’t want to do.
For example, if you want to develop the habit of working out, put your gym clothes next to your bed so you can put them on as soon as you wake up.
If you want to develop the habit of eating healthy, get rid of all the unhealthy food in your house.
By changing your environment, you are more likely to change your habits.
Lesson #5 – Cultural Influences
Peer pressure can have a big impact on our habits. The book discusses how the people we surround ourselves with influence our behavior.
The author explains that we are more likely to develop new habits if we surround ourselves with people with the same habits.
For example, if you want to develop the habit of working out, find a workout buddy or join a gym.
If you want to develop healthy habits, cook with friends or join a cooking class.
By surrounding yourself with people with the same goals, you are more likely to achieve your goals.
Lesson #6 – Find The Root Cause of Your Bad Habits
The book discusses how it’s important to find the root cause of bad habits.
The author explains that our bad habits are often a result of some deep underlying insecurity of past trauma.
For example, if you want to stop smoking, you have to find out why you smoke in the first place.
Do you smoke because your friends smoke? Do you smoke when you’re stressed? Do you think smoking makes you look cool?
By finding the root cause of your bad habit, you can begin to change it. This applied to me when it came to personal finances.
I was raised with bad money-spending habits and realized I didn’t know enough about finance. Fortunately, I have developed an investing mindset through continual study and implementing financial principles.
Now I have much better control over my finances and pursue financial freedom!
If you’re struggling to break a bad habit, I encourage you to check out the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear.
The lessons taught in the book Atomic Habits helped me change my thinking about habits and how to change them.
If you have a friend or family member struggling to change their habits, feel free to send this article to them!
We hope the information in this article provides valuable insights to every reader but we, the Biesingers, are not financial advisors. When making your personal finance decisions, research multiple sources and/or receive advice from a licensed professional. As always, we wish you the best in your pursuit of financial independence!
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