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Recent Blog Posts
$500,000 Net Worth Breakdown (Age 26, HIT Coast FIRE)
In this article I share the seven-category breakdown of our 500,000-dollar net worth.
Our Income Streams | Retired & Living Abroad At Age 26
I will explain why my wife and I decided to quit our 9 to 5 job with our main income streams and what those look like in terms of monthly cash flow.
Our March Expenses in China (Semi-retired Abroad)
I’m excited to share with you the breakdown of our expenses here in China for the month of March (2023).
Our Transporation Costs (Southern China City)
The transportation costs in China are one of the major factors for our decision to semi-retire abroad. See more on our costs and more!
Kid’s Arcade Center Costs in China – So Crazy!
Our two-year-old son absolutely LOVES going to the arcade game center here in China, and the costs may surprise you!
SEMI-RETIREMENT: The New Way to Retire Early
Looking for a way to reduce your workload and enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle. Semi-retirement may be the perfect solution!