If you’re looking to save money, you’ve come to the right place! This article will discuss 15 frugal living tips that implement today to save more money.

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Frugal living can provide several benefits, including increased financial security and peace of mind.

Making small changes today can help you get started on the path to financial independence.

So let’s dive in further, shall we?!

What does frugal living mean?

Frugal living means finding ways to save money with a focus on achieving financial minimalism. It’s about being mindful of your spending and making conscious decisions about where you spend your money.

Frugal living doesn’t mean going without or depriving yourself – it simply means being more mindful of your spending and making choices that align with your values.

For example, you may choose to spend less on clothes so that you can afford to travel more. Or, you may choose to cook at home more often so that you can eat out less.

Ultimately, frugal living is about balancing saving money and enjoying life. It’s about making choices that allow you to live well within your means.

What Benefits Come from Frugal Living?

The word "Benefits" underlined in ink and a pen

Unfortunately, many associate frugal living with a negative connotation.

Some assume that those who live frugally are cheap, always looking for ways to save money, and never have any fun.

In reality, there are a plethora of benefits that come from living a frugal lifestyle!

Content with what you have

You stop comparing your life to others and learn to appreciate the things you do have.

This also helps to increase your self-worth because rather than depending on material possessions to make you feel good, you are relying on yourself.

Focus on the things that are truly important to you

You aren’t wasting your money on unnecessary items, so you can put your time and energy into the things that matter most to you.

Learn to be more resourceful

When you have less money to spend, you have to get creative about how you use the resources you do have. Doing so can lead to some great invention and problem-solving skills.

Very good at budgeting and managing finances

Frugality leads to better financial habits and can help you save money in the long run.

It can be financially beneficial because you are less likely to overspend and get into debt.

Overall, many benefits come from living a frugal lifestyle. If you’re considering making changes and want to save money, consider giving frugal living a try.

You might be surprised by how much you enjoy it!

Without further ado, let’s jump into the 15 frugal living tips I’ve prepared to get you started!

1) Evaluating your spending habits

Track where you are spending your money for a month or two to get an idea of where you can cut back. This is the most important step in living a more frugal lifestyle.

The key is ensuring you don’t modify your spending habits during the evaluation period.

You will want to get an accurate idea of where your money is going exactly.

2) Create a budget and stick to it

Determine what expenses are essential and what can be cut back or eliminated. This is one of the most important frugal living tips you can implement now!

Having a written budget and detailed plan will make you more likely to stick to your frugal goals.

3) Shop at thrift stores and garage sales

You can find some great deals on secondhand items that are still in good condition.

This is a great way to save money on clothing, household items, and more. It can also be a fun hobby!

4) Cut back on your cable bill or eliminate it

There are many ways to watch TV and movies without paying for a cable subscription.

You can use an antenna, stream content online, or rent movies from Redbox or similar services.

5) Reduce your energy consumption

You can save money on your utility bills by making simple changes like turning off lights when you leave a room and unplugging appliances when they’re not in use.

Remember, this is important because these costs can add up very fast.

6) Make your cleaning products

There are many recipes available online for DIY cleaning products. This is a great way to save money and avoid using harmful chemicals in your home.

Common DIY cleaning products include all-purpose, glass, and carpet cleaners.

One simple recipe is this all-purpose cleaner: mix water, baking soda, and white vinegar in a spray bottle.

You can clean surfaces like countertops, appliances, and floors.

7) Use discounts and coupons

When trying to save money, it’s important to take advantage of discounts and coupons whenever possible.

Whether you’re buying groceries or clothes, there are usually ways to get a better deal.

For example, you can often find grocery coupons online or in the Sunday paper.

Plus, many stores offer discounts if you sign up for their email list.

So if you’re looking to save money, keep an eye out for discounts and coupons. It can make a big difference in your budget!

Do you want to get paid for shopping online? If so, we highly recommend checking out MyPoints, where you can earn money by shopping online, taking surveys, or playing games.

There are also opportunities to get special deals and FREE access to the best coupon codes. See how you can start making and saving money with MyPoints.

8) Don’t buy premium brands

Another frugal living tip is to try generic brands. Generic brands are often just as good as name-brand products but cost a lot less.

So if you’re looking to save money on groceries, check out the generic brands. You might be surprised at how much you can save!

9) Buy in bulk

One way to save money is to buy in bulk!

This can be done at a Costco, Sam’s Club, or Amazon Prime store. You can save money on groceries and household items when you buy in bulk.

Plus, you’ll have fewer trips to the store, which will save you time and money.

10) Reuse and upcycle

One of the best ways to save money is to reuse and upcycle items instead of buying new ones. 

Things that fit into this category can be anything from clothes to furniture to home decor. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also be doing your part to reduce waste and help the environment.

This includes investing in glass water bottles, handkerchiefs (instead of Kleenex), and rags (instead of paper towels).

You can also save money by mending clothes instead of buying new ones.

11) Hang dry your laundry

Hang-drying your laundry is a great way to save money on your energy bill.

It takes a little bit longer than using a dryer, but it’s worth it in the long run.

Plus, your clothes will last longer if you hang them to dry instead of putting them in the dryer.

12) Cook at home

One of the best ways to save money is to cook at home instead of eating out.

We understand it can be challenging if you’re used to eating out all the time, but it’s worth it in the long run.

Not only will you save money, but you’ll also be able to control what goes into your food.

13) Make a home gym

If you’re looking for ways to save money, one area you can focus on is your health and fitness.

A gym membership can be expensive, and if you don’t live close to a gym, it can also be time-consuming to drive there and back.

Instead of spending money on a gym membership, why not create your home gym?

You don’t need a lot of equipment to get started – a few basic weights, an exercise mat, and some resistance bands can go a long way.

And if you don’t have room for bulky equipment, you can do plenty of bodyweight exercises to stay fit.

Creating your home gym can be a great way to save money and time, and it’s a great way to get in shape.

So if you’re looking for ways to be more frugal, this is one tip you should consider.

Related Content: 10 Ways to Lose Weight Without Blowing The Budget

14) Remember your mental and emotional health

Focusing on more than just saving money when trying to live a frugal lifestyle is important.

Be sure to take care of yourself emotionally and mentally as well.

This includes various things like spending time with friends and family, getting outside for some fresh air, or taking up a hobby.

Self-care is important, and it can be easy to forget when trying to save money.

But by taking care of yourself, you’ll be more likely to stick to your frugal goals. If interested, I created an article sharing The 7 Best Mental Health Books to Read in 2022.

15) Don’t spend money on things you don’t need

This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s important to remember. Just because something is on sale doesn’t mean you need to buy it.

If you can live without it, then don’t spend the money. This is one of the most important frugal living tips!

To Wrap Things Up

Frugal living is about making small changes that can save you money in the long run.

By following these frugal living tips, you’ll be on your way to a minimal and happy lifestyle!

Just remember to take things slowly and focus on what’s important.

With a little effort, you can save a lot of money! Please share how you live a frugal life in the comment section below! 🙂


We hope the information in this article provides valuable insights to every reader but we, the Biesingers, are not financial advisors. When making your personal finance decisions, research multiple sources and/or receive advice from a licensed professional. As always, we wish you the best in your pursuit of financial independence!