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Recent Blog Posts
11 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Utah Real Estate
Utah has become an incredible real estate investing location. I’m excited to share with you 11 reasons to start investing here!
Why You Need a 2-Year Emergency Fund Before Retiring
When most people think about retirement, they imagine a time when they can finally relax and enjoy life without worrying about work. However, one of the most important things you can do for a smooth retirement is to have an emergency fund in place. In this article, I...
7 Reasons Why You Don’t Need a Financial Advisor
In this article, I share the top 7 reasons why you do not need a financial advisor. The financial benefits can be tremendous!
Financial Freedom: How to Achieve it with Proven Tips
Financial freedom may look a little different for everyone, but there are common steps that we must each take to achieve it!
The Best Affordable Health Insurance Options for Early Retirement
I’ve created this blog post to help you be prepared for early retirement by finding the best affordable health insurance plans.
11 Reasons Why Having Rentals in Utah Rocks
There are many opportunities and benfits to investing in Utah real estate. Here are 11 reasons why Utah is a great place to have rentals.