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Recent Blog Posts
How to Balance Full-Time School and Full-Time Work (10 Helpful Tips)
Here I introduce 10 helpful tips taken from my own experiences to help you find balance with full-time work and school.
How to Create a S.M.A.R.T Health Goal (Step-by-Step)
What started out as a vague goal of me wanting to lose weight turned into an empowering S.M.A.R.T. health goal that helped save us money.
Buying a New Home? (Consider These 6 Smart Upgrades First)
Wondering which home upgrades are the best? Here we identify 6 smart upgrades to consider when building a new home.
Why Intermittent Fasting Really Works! (Lost 35 pounds)
What I’ve learned about intermittent fasting and how it accelerated my weight loss when I decided to lose 35 pounds (helped me save a lot of money too!).
What is Inflation? How to Protect Yourself Against it.
The purpose of this post is to explain what inflation is, what causes it, how it affects each of us, and how to protect yourself against it.
How We Made $250K in 4 Years From Real Estate As College Students
Our strategy and story on how we turned 20K into 250K in just four years! We did this through real estate investing while going to college.